
Wood Floor Trends

What Are Versailles Panels?

Rob Patwary

Rob Patwary

May 16, 2020

Wood flooring has far more varieties and choices than people first realise - and we don’t just mean colours and wood types.
You can create a really unique and exciting space simply by opting for a certain pattern or style of installation.

We’ve spoken previously about parquet flooring, which is when different types of patterns are created using the wood panels, such as herringbone and chevron.
But there is a third design, known as versailles panels, and it’s another great option for home and business owners who want to do something creative and unique with their interior.

Let’s explore this stunning parquetry flooring a little further...

The history of versailles panels

Versailles panels were created in 1684 when they were used to replace the old marble floors in the famous Palace of Versailles in France; hence, their name.

The marble floors needed constant washing which caused the wooden joists beneath to rot, so they were ripped out and replaced with this longer lasting alternative.

Due to its first usage and introduction into the world of interiors, it is associated with wealth and opulence and often looked at as a symbol of royalty; although, over the years, it has become a popular choice for commercial buildings, particularly hotels, restaurants, board rooms and office spaces.

What do versailles panels look like

As pictured below, versailles panels are squares held together by what appears to be an interwoven mesh of wood strips, all within a wood frame.

Inner Space Flooring

Another clear visual distinction is the grain direction.
In ‘normal’ wood flooring planks the grain goes in one direction, in herringbone and chevron the grain runs in two directions, in mansion weave it’s three whilst versailles panels have grain that goes in a minimum of four directions.
This increases the intricacy of the pattern and the changing light reflections as you walk across the floor which might be why it’s viewed as such an opulent flooring style.

There are several different patterns that can be created following the versailles panel design structure, so you can still create something that works for your specific space and not be limited to just one look.
Due to the intricate pattern, this type of flooring is best used in larger spaces and older buildings.

The benefits of versailles panels

Aside from the obvious aesthetic appeal of this type of wood flooring, there are a number of reasons why this could be a great choice for you.

Versailles panels:

  • Look very grand and expensive which makes any space feel more luxurious
  • Fit perfectly in older, larger houses as they lend themselves to a classic look
  • Work best in larger spaces where they can work in full effect
  • Are unique; they aren’t seen in many homes/spaces so it will certainly make you stand out

Installing versailles panels does require skilled labour which is where we come in.
If you are interested in having versailles panels installed in your home or commercial property, then this is yet another thing that we can help you with as we can supply and fit beautiful versailles panel wood flooring in domestic and commercial properties.

If you would like any more information about prolonging the loft of your wood floors, or if you are interested in any of our products or services then call us today on 0121 684 4772 or email info@innerspaceflooring.co.uk